Discover, Lithuania, Weird facts

USSR’s style !

After 11 hours running around in France, trains, metro, bus, then a 3 hour flight, I arrive finally in Lithuania.

Welcomed by my futur tutor and two other EVS volunteers, holding a sign with my name, I go with them to the place where I will live for the next few months. He is driving for half an hour before that I can see the first Soviet buildings. Our building too, looks like an USSR-60’s-social-housing. It is located in the north of Vilnius, in the Kalvariju street.

I find a flat of 60’s. Carpets everywhere, a Formica kitchen, a velvet sofa, a rotary phone in my room (I do not know if it works ..), a beautiful flower tapestry on the ceiling (?). The decoration is made of objects and furniture of the 20th century, a kind of “Goog Bye Lenin”. I find there Oriana, Italian from Sicily, Sandra, Spanish from Barcelona and Carlos, Spanish from Murcia.




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