Discover, Language, Lithuania

Aš mokausi lietuviškai*

*I learn Lithuanian

We started having Lithuanian lessons this week with an English teacher who is Lithuanian and also half Russian. A little complicated … So we discovered with Ismael and Oriana, this beautiful Baltic language.


First it is a language neither Latin nor German nor even Slavic. It is a Baltic language. Then it’s a language that uses many declensions. Our teacher tell us: “it looks like your languages, there are also declensions in Latin.”

Well, nowadays nobody speaks Latin anymore except some crazy teachers, and also there is no declensions anymore in our languages ​​exactly because it was too complicated. And then I did not learn Latin at school (I should do?).

So, we learnt that “Vilnius” in Lithuanian is: “Vilnius” (easy!), but “in Vilnius” is “Vilniuje”, “from Vilnius” is “Vilniaus”, “to Vilnius” is “Vilniui” etc ... And of course, the endings change whether it is singular or plural, masculine or feminine word.

And for our names as well! For exemple “for Justine” is “Justinei”

Well, let’s go back to simpler things. How do you say “I come from France?” “Aš esu iš …” (I come from …) and at this moment you learn that “France” is “Prancūzija” …

Brilliant! It will be very easy …


Article very interesting about the similarities between Lithuanian and Indian languages


One thought on “Aš mokausi lietuviškai*

  1. Adorateurfou says:

    Tu pourrais me traduire ça en Lituanien : Est ce que t’es russe ? Non..? Pourtant les russes, c’est des slaves… Si Y s’lavent, c’est qu’y s’nettoient ! Si c’n’est toi, c’est donc ton frère..!

    Aš myliu savo dienoraštį! <33333


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