Discover, EVS, Language, Lithuania

How to improve your english during EVS

Some tips (to myself) to improve my English during my EVS.

1. Stop to invent words! .. It is not because English and French are sometimes similar that you can take a smart face and an English accent (impossible accent) to say “supposably”. No, “supposably” is not an English word …

2. Improve your accent! You live and speak all day long with Spanish, Italian and Lithuanian people, so, be CARRRREFUL with your accent, wich is already not English at all, but not even French anymore …

3. Extend your vocabulary: When you desperately looking for an English word that you do not know the solution is not: to simply say it in French! Of course, you have 9 chances out of 10 that your Spanish and Italian flatemates understand you perfectly, because this is probably the same word in their language, but that does not help you to know the word in English.

4. Knowing your interlocutor: practical example – if you arrive in the train station in Vilnius speaking in English to the lady who sell the tickets and who is actually Russian, you will quickly understand that speaking in English with her it is like to speak Russian in America … Her reaction will like:<  “Я не понимаю…”






One thought on “How to improve your english during EVS

  1. Titine! says:

    Hihi j’imagine bien l’accent! SUPER ton blog!! 🙂 Gros bisous de tous les 3 à bientôt pour d’autres nouvelles!


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