Food, Live abroad, Weird facts

TOP 10 of the weird things happening abroad

1 – The “baguette”

Before, it was just a part of my meals without giving to me a particular excitement.

Now it is a rare thing that I am looking for everywhere, and when I find it, I’m so glad that I do not even judge its taste which is close to the cheapest baguette in the cheapest supermarket of France

2 – Old songs

Before, they were only old songs that I heard on old radios, with outdated and silly lyrics

Now they are the most beautiful songs in the world, wich I want to sing loudly during parties, but nobody around me understands the pure beauty of these texts …

3 – Cheese

Before, I spent hours in the supermarket choosing the one that tempted me most.

Now it is one of the most expensive products of the store and the choice is restricted to 2 or 3 different cheeses. And when luckily I find a camembert, I realize that it is not a camembert! “why do they put weird stuff inside?

4 – My French phone

Before, it was my main means of communication and one of the cheapest.

Now it is hidden in my suitcase, always whitout battery, and when it rings, it is like: “what?! someone calls me ?! from France ?! (I run, I fly, I grabbed and pick it up) … and it is advertisment … “and after hanging up, I realize that I ALSO PAID for this useless call!

5 – Holidays

Before, I always tried to spend my holidays abroad

Now for my holidays, I come back home

6 – French movies

Before, I watched them to laugh without thinking, criticizing the quality of the story

Now I watch them with nostalgia and no matter how good is the story

7 – Health insurance

Before, it was a normal privilege

Now it is …

a big joke (that makes everyone laugh except me)

8 – Paris

Before, it was the capital of France

Now this is the city from where all foreigners think I am

9 – Music

Before, I hated French commercial songs in nightclubs

Now when I hear one of those stupid songs in a party, I jump around and I am surprised to sing and know the lyrics

10 – Meet French people

Before, I did not even notice someone speaking in french in a street

Now, it happens so rarely that I cannot stop myself to listen their conversation indiscreetly and go to chat with them


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