Discover, EVS, Lithuania, Video

Video: the Sandra’s experience in a wheelchair

We started this project one month ago with Sandra, my Spanish colleague, now the video is online on youtube and facebook.

The idea was that a valid person moves around in Lithuania in a wheelchair, to report in a video the difficulties that disabled people can find on their way. We took one wheelchair, gloves (very important!), 2 cameras and a microphone, and we went to discover Lithuania, by trains, buses, sidewalks and pedestrian streets.

A 26-minute video documentary shows how is the accessibility in the three largest Lithuanian cities: Kaunas, Klaipeda and Vilnius.

                                                            Subtitles here  

Through this adventure, we saw some problems in the public area, the problems that we do not see usually with our eyes of able-bodied people. We needed to see it from a wheelchair to understand how the cities are full of obstacles: broken elevators, special elevators that nobody knows how to use, pavements with stairs, cobbled pedestrian roads, lack of ramp to enter in a restaurant or a coffee place, or non-adapted toilets. Fortunately, all the time, we could see the generosity of people around us. In this way, we saw as well how disabled people are vulnerable and dependent on others.

A rich learning experience for us, wich had showed us how the infrastructure could be improved in the public areas, to make cities accessible to all.

