Money, Travel

Hitchhiking and couchsurfing

Before applying for any EVS, you must know that we do not make money being volunteer. We do not save enough money to travel, even if it is one of the most exciting things in EVS.

The monthly compensation of volunteers depends of the host country. For Lithuania, it is about 200 € per month (food + pocket money), approximately 7 € per day. So when you decide to travel, enjoying of your few days off, you have the same budget. Free things are welcomed: hitchhiking and couchsurfing!


Unlike what I knew about France and Italy, hitchhike in Lithuania is quite easy. People uses to take 2015-08-01 08.13.41 hitchhikers. Young or old people, speaking in English, Lithuanian or Russian, driving car or truck, the drivers are simpathetic. Being two or three, we never waited for a car more than 30 minutes.

For example from Zarasai (Lithuania) to Tallinn (Estonia), which represents approximately 500 km, we spend about 10 hours. And this type of transport is a way to meet locals and learn more about the country that we are crossing.


first day - Tallinn (Estonia) - 4 am

This website is amazing! It allows to find hosts for free all around the world. The idea is giving an old sofa or a new bed to travelers exhausted and poor who are coming to visit your city. It is also an opportunity to meet interesting people and discover a country from the perspective of those who live there.

For our trip to Estonia, we had the opportunity to meet locals, who loved to talk about their country, their city, or play guitar in their garden all the night!


When the transport and the accomodation are found (for free!) all that remains is find some food. But for that, fortunately, you have your salary of volunteer, 7 € per day. Great! Ok … It will be pasta and potatoes …


Our quick tour in the Baltic states, following this way of “couchsurfing-hitchhiking-pasta-potatoes”

1563 km


After the ferry, on the Saaremaa island

Sorve Lighthouse – Saaremaa island

